Sunday 3 June 2018

Justice Play by John Galsworthy: Objective Questions for LT

Justice Play by John Galsworthy: Objective Questions for LT

Ques 1. John Galsworthy was born on
A.    1867
B.     1868
C.     1869
D.    1870
Ans. A
Ques 2. John Galsworthy died on
A.    1930
B.     1931
C.     1932
D.    1933
Ans. D
Ques 3. When did the play “Justice” published?
A.    1909
B.     1910
C.     1911
D.    1912
Ans. B
Ques 4. John Galsworthy was awarded nobel prize in
A.    1930
B.     1931
C.     1932
D.    1933
Ans. C
Ques 5. What is the pseudonym that Galsworthy took to publish his earlier works?
A.    John Simpkins
B.     John Sebastian
C.     John Sinjohn
D.    John Semplin
Ans. C
Ques 6. On the models of whose problem plays did John Galsoworthy write his plays?
A.    Henry Arthur Jones
B.     Arthur Pinero
C.     Henrick Ibsen
D.    T W Robertson
Ans. C
Ques 7. In which play does William Falder appear as central character?
A.    Loyalties
B.     Justice
C.     The Silver Box
D.    The Skin Game
Ans. B
Ques 8. Play “Justice” is a satire on
A.    The system of paying wages
B.     The system of imprisonment
C.     The system of social disparity
D.    The system of legal trials
Ans. D
Ques 9. In play “Justice”  “It is a matter of life and death”, Who says this and to whom ?
A.   Ruth Honeywell says to Cokeson, the head clerk of How’s firm
B.   Walter How to James How
C.   William Falder to Judge
D.  William Falder to James How
Ans. A

Ques 10. “Justice is a machine that, when someone has once given it the starting push, rolls on of itself.?

Who says this?
A.    Judge
B.     Cokeson
C.     Falder’s defence counsel, Mr. Frome
D.    James How
Ans. C     Frome says to convey the sense that the legal system operates in such an inhuman way that it makes mockery of the concept of ‘justice’ and destroys the individual completely. The end of the drama, the end of Falder’s life proves his words.
Ques 11. “Law is what it is, a majestic edifice sheltering all f us” Who says this?
Who says this?
A.    Judge
B.     Cokeson
C.     Falder’s defence counsel, Mr. Frome
D.    James How
Ans. A   judge as a protector and agent of the existing legal system asserts that the institution of law is a noble one. It seeks to protect the good citizens from the bad ones, to protect the society. The judge is the spokesman of the conventional concept of ‘justice’ in the contemporary judicial system. Naturally, his opinions and views do not go by human norms.

Ques 12. “It must have been temptation of the moment” ...A man does not succumb like this.” Who says this?

A.    James How
B.     Walter How
C.     Cokeson
D.    Ruth Honeywell
Ans. B    After the detection of Falder’s forgery जालसाजी and his confession, James How decides upon prosecuting Falder. Walter How, his son, pleads for Falder’s case. He opines that Falder, a gentleman, must have been tempted to do this. His words indicate that he is a good-natured youth, who judges everything on the human ground.
Ques 13. “The quality of mercy is not strained...” who says it in play “Justice”?
A.    James How
B.     Walter How
C.     Cokeson
D.    Ruth Honeywell
Ans. B  Walter How  tries to convey his father that they should pardon on this virtue.
Ques 14. Mute Scene appears in play in
A.    Act 2 scene 2
B.     Act 3 scene 3
C.     Act 4 scene 4
D.    Act 5 scene 5
Ans. B   The Mute Scene (Act III, scene iii) is very important from the theatrical point of view since through this Galsworthy presents the deep agony of a helpless man, Falder in the solitary confinement. The scene arouses not only our pity and fear, but also our hatred for the system.
Ques 15. “Justice” is best described as
A.    Romantic comedy
B.     Tragedy
C.     Problem play
D.    Spiritual play
Ans. C
Ques 16. Who discovers the forgery of William Falder check of nine pounds forged for ninety?
A.    James How
B.     William How
C.     Robert Cokeson
D.    None
Ans. C
Ques 17. John Galsworthy has treated the theme of law and justice in many of his plays. Why?
A.    Because his father was an advocate
B.     Because he was himself a qualified advocate
C.     Because he was interested in stories of crime and punishment
D.    Because he had an intimate friend who was a professional detective
Ans. B
Ques 18. John Galsworthy is also a great stylist. His style is remarkable for _____.
A.      its strength and elasticity
B.      its powerful sweep, brilliant illustrations
C.      its deep psychological analysis
D.     all of the above
Ans. D
Ques 19. _____ are considered Galsworthy’s monumental works.
A.      The Fortsyte Saga and A Modern Comedy
B.      The Fortsyte Saga and The End of the Chapter
C.      The Man of Property and The end of the Chapter
D.     The Man of Property and A Modern Comedy
Ans. A
Ques 20. _____ is the main theme of most of Galsworthy’s plays.
A.      family history
B.      fraternity
C.      social problems of his time
D.     love
Ans. C
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