Sunday 3 June 2018

The Merchant of Venice: Objective Questions for LT

The Merchant of Venice: Objective Questions for LT
Ques 1. When “The Merchant of Venice” was first performed?
A.    1602
B.    1603
C.    1604
D.   1605
Ans.  D
Ques 2. When “The Merchant of Venice” was first published?
A.    1600
B.    1601
C.    1602
D.   1603
Ans. A

Ques 3. The caskets that Portia’s suitors must pick from are made of what materials?

  • A. Gold, silver, lead
  • B. Teak, mahogany, pine
  • C. Bone, porcelain, clay
  • D. Marble, stone, brick
Ans. A

Ques 4. Which of the following is a reason Shylock gives for hating Antonio?

  • A. Antonio has insulted Shylock in the past.
  • B. Antonio lends money without interest, which damages Shylock’s business.
  • C. Antonio hates Jews.
  • D. All of the above
Ans. D

Ques 5. Whom does Bassanio agree to bring with him to Belmont?

  • A. Old Gobbo
  • B. Gratiano
  • C. Antonio
  • D. Jessica
Ans. B

Ques 6. What act does Jessica believe will solve the misery of life with Shylock?

  • A. Becoming a more devout Jew
  • B. Ensuring that Shylock loses his bond to Antonio
  • C. Marrying Lorenzo
  • D. Locking herself in her room
Ans. C

Ques 7. According to Lorenzo’s plan, how will Jessica escape from her father’s house?

  • A. She will disguise herself as Lorenzo’s torchbearer and slip out undetected.
  • B. She will leave during the night, while Shylock is asleep.
  • C. She will take her father to a large public auction and get lost in the crowd.
  • D. She will fake her own death.
Ans. A

Ques 8. How does Shylock react to losing Launcelot as a servant?

  • A. He weeps in private
  • B. He tells Launcelot that Bassanio will be a harder master
  • C. He beats Launcelot with a stick
  • D. He refuses to pay Launcelot the wages he owes him
Ans. B

Ques 9. How does Portia react to the prince of Morocco’s failure as a suitor?

  • A. She prays that no one with such dark skin ever wins her hand.
  • B. She is relieved because the quick-tempered prince would not have made a stable husband.
  • C. She is sad to lose such a wealthy suitor.
  • D. She laughs at his foolishness and sends him away.
Ans. A

Ques 10. Who loses the opportunity to marry Portia by choosing the silver casket?

  • A. The Jew of Malta
  • B. The prince of Arragon
  • C. The duke of Earl
  • D. The viscount of Normandy
Ans. B

Ques 11. According to Tubal’s report, for what did Jessica trade Shylock’s most precious ring?

  • A. A gondola
  • B. A horse for Bassanio
  • C. A christening gown for her first child
  • D. A monkey
Ans. D

Ques 12. What course of action does Portia suggest when she learns that Shylock wishes to collect his pound of flesh?

  • That Bassanio and his men disguise themselves and usher Antonio a safe distance away from Venice
  • That the matter be dealt with in a court of law
  • That the bond be paid many times over
  • That Jessica plead with her father for mercy
Ans. C

Ques 13. Where does Portia instruct her servant Balthasar to hurry?

  • A. To an apothecary
  • B. To Padua to visit Doctor Bellario
  • C. To Morocco
  • D. To Shylock’s house
Ans. B

Ques 14. What complaint does Launcelot make regarding the conversion of the Jews?

  • A. He says there would be no one left to loan money.
  • B. He says the garment industry would suffer.
  • C. He says that the price of bacon would soar.
  • D. He says the Catholic Church would be unable to handle so many conversions.
Ans. C

Ques 15. In court, how does Antonio react to Shylock’s insistence on collecting his pound of flesh?

  • A. He vows that he will meet Shylock’s hatred with patience.
  • B. He weeps openly.
  • C. He curses Shylock’s vengefulness.
  • D. He makes an impassioned plea to the court to intervene on his behalf.
Ans. A

Ques 16. Who enters the court disguised as a young doctor of Law named Balthasar?

  • A. Portia
  • B. Nerissa
  • C. Jessica
  • D. Lorenzo
Ans. A

Ques 17. What loophole in Shylock’s bond allows Portia to stop him from taking a pound of Antonio’s flesh?

  • A. Jewish law prohibits Shylock from practicing his trade on the Sabbath.
  • B. Shylock is entitled only to flesh, but not blood.
  • C. Shylock forgot to sign the bond.
  • D. There is no hard evidence that Antonio’s ships have sunk, and that he cannot pay the bond.
Ans. B

Ques 18. How is Shylock punished for seeking to take Antonio’s life?

  • A. He is banished.
  • B. He is ordered to surrender all his property to the Church of Rome.
  • C. He must convert to Christianity and will his possessions to Jessica and Lorenzo upon     his death.
  • D. He must work as Antonio’s servant for the remainder of his life.
Ans. C

Ques 19. What words does Shylock utter after accepting the court’s sentence?

  • A. A pox upon Venice
  • B. These are most unlawful laws
  • C. Forgive me my sins
  • D. I am not well
Ans. D

Ques 20. What news does Antonio receive at the play’s end?

  • A. Shylock has killed himself.
  • B. Some of the ships he supposed were lost have arrived in port.
  • C. The duke of Venice has changed his mind and finds Antonio guilty of forfeiture of Shylock’s bond.
  • D. His long lost brother has been found.
Ans. B
Ques 21. Who is the merchant of Venice?
A.  Bassanio
B.   Antonio
C.   Portio
D.  Shylock

Ans. B
Ques 22. Bassanio wants to marry Portia for what reason?
A.  Because she has money
B.   Because he is lonely
C.   Because she is beautiful
D.  Because he loves her
Ans. A
Ques 23. What Biblical passage does Shylock quote to defend charging interest on loans?
A.  Pilot whipping Jesus 40 times
B.   Jacob receiving the striped lambs from his father-in-law
C.   The scene of the last supper
D.  Noah building the ark
Ans. B
Ques 24. What condition must the Prince of Morocco agree to before he may choose from among the caskets?
A.  That if he chooses wrong, he will kill himself
B.   That if he chooses wrong, he will have to marry a woman of Portia's choosing
C.   That if he chooses wrong, he will never marry
D.  That if he chooses wrong, he will give Portia all his wealth and leave forever
Ans. C
Ques 25. Gobbo arrives with a present for Shylock. What is the present?
A.  Doves
B.   Sweetmeats
C.   Baubles
D.  Gold
Ans. A
Ques 26. Lancelot leaves Shylock to become whose servant?
A.  Antonio
B.   Gobbo
C.   Jessica
D.  Bassanio
Ans. D
Ques 27. Lorenzo and Jessica do what during the masque?
A.  Purchase a monkey and bring it back to Shylock's house
B.   They run away from Shylock's house, taking a great deal of gold and valuables with them
C.   Get into an argument and refuse to speak to one another
D.  Become drunk with the other revelers
Ans. B
Ques 28. How is Jessica dressed when she runs away from Shylock?
A.  As a queen
B.   As a clown
C.   As a man
D.  In a valuable dress covered with jewels
Ans. C
Ques 29. The Prince of Morocco chooses which casket?
A.  Gold
B.   Silver
C.   Bronze
Ans. A    Gold casket reveals skull

Ques 30.  The second suitor, the Prince of Aragon, arrives in Belmont and chooses the silver casket. What does the casket reveal?
A.  A dagger
B.   A miniature portrait of Portia
C.   A skull
D.  A blinking idiot

Ans. D  inside the silver casket there is a portrait of  “A blinking idiot” holding a letter that redicules the prince for making the wrong choice

Ques 31. What is one fundamental difference between Belmont and Venice?
A.  Belmont is a commercial center, whereas Venice is an artistic center
B.   Belmont has women present, whereas Venice only has men on the streets
C.   Belmont is larger than Venice in absolute landmass
D.  Belmont represents the middle classes, whereas Venice represents the aristocratic classes

Ans B      Venice is a city of trade , merchants and greed. Where Shylock was allowed to live and trade. It is a place of romance and festivity. Belmont, where Portia lives, is naturally beautiful and peaceful. it is a place where women and men live in greater equality and where peace reigns, unlike in the chaotic and cosmopolitan streets of Venice.

Ques 32. Shylock delivers his famous monologue, "Hath not a Jew eyes?", to which characters?
A.  Jessica and Lorenzo
B.   Portia and Nerissa
C.   Solanio and Salerio
D.  Bassanio and Graziano

Ans. C

Ques 33. How many ships does Antonio believe he has lost in total?
A.  3
B.   4
C.   2
D.  1

Ans. A

Ques 34. After Bassanio chooses the correct casket, what does Portia give him and tell him never to lose?
A.  Money to take to Antonio
B.   A ring
C.   Herself
D.  The casket
Ans. B

Ques 35. What amount of money does Bassanio offer Shylock to pay off Antonio's debt?
A.  6,000 ducats
B.   2,000 ducats
C.   10,000 ducats
D.  8,000 ducats
Ans. A

Ques 36. Who needs money to suit Portia?
A. Antonio
B. Bassanio
C. Gratiano
D. Lorenzo

Ans. B

Ques 37. Who marries Nerissa?
A. Gratiano
B. Lorenzo
C. Antonio
D. Bassanio

Ans. A   Nerissa – Portia's waiting maid and   Gratiano – friend of Antonio and Bassanio

Ques 38.  Who marries Shylock's daughter, Jessica?

A. Bassanio
B. Gratiano
C. Lorenzo
D. Antonio

Ans. C    Jessica runs away from home, dressed as a torchbearer at a masque, and marries Lorenzo. Lorenzo – friend of Antonio and Bassanio

Ques 39. What is Shylock's profession?

A. Merchant
B. Lawyer
C. Sailor
D. Usurer
Ans. D   Shylock is a usurer or moneylender. He lends money and charges interest on it.

Ques 40. How much money does Antonio borrow from Shylock?
A. 5000 ducats
B. 3000 ducats
C. 3000 pounds
D. 5000 pounds

Ans. B  Antonio borrows 3000 ducats from Shylock. He gives this money to Bassanio to suit Portia with.

Ques 41. . If Antonio cannot pay the money back in three months he must give Shylock a pound of _________.
Ans. Flesh    Shylock would be allowed to cut off a pound of flesh from anywhere on Antonio's body.

Ques 42. In Act 3, Scene 1, Shylock gives his famous speech, "...Hath not a Jew eyes, hath not a Jew hands, organs..." Shylock is asked what is the bond good for. Shylock's first answer is ....

A. "to feed my revenge"
B. "to give me pleasure"
C. "to make Antonio suffer"
D. "to bait fish withal" 

Ans. D       

Ques 43. Which of these does Shylock NOT agree to in the end?

A. Give Antonio half his money, in trust until Shylock dies
B. Give all his money to Antonio
C. Change his religion
D. Leave his money to his daughter when he dies
Ans. B     Although the law calls for him to give half of his money to the state and half to the person he threatened, Antonio says that, instead, he will only have his share until Shylock dies, at which time it will be given to Shylock's daughter and her husband. The Duke allows Shylock to keep the money that should have gone to the state, on condition that he become a Christian and leave all his estate (not just Antonio's due half) to Jessica and Lorenzo when he dies.
Ques. 44. Who is Shylock's only friend shown in the play?
Ans. Tubal
Ques 45. How many scores (20) of ducats did Jessica spend at one sitting in Genoa?

A. 8
B. 6
C. 4
D. 2
Ans. C
Ques 46. Which casket has the inscription "Who chooseth me shall get as much as he deserves"?
A. Silver
B. Bronze
C. Gold
D. Lead
Ans. A   Prince of Arragon choses it and it reveals a blinking idiot meant wrong choice
Ques 47. Which casket has the inscription "Who chooseth me shall gain what many men desire”?
A. Silver
B. Bronze
C. Gold
D. Lead
Ans. C     Prince of Morocco choses it and it reveals skull  and says all that glitters is not gold.

Ques 48. Which casket has the inscription "Who chooseth me must give and hazard all he hath."
A. Silver
B. Bronze
C. Gold
D. Lead
Ans. D  Bassanio  choses it and wins Portia’s hand to marry. It contains a picture of Portia.
Ques 49. In Act 3, Scene 1, Shylock says "a diamond gone, cost me two thousand ducats in _______".
Ans. Frankfurt
Ques 50. Who said it?
In sooth, I know not why I am so sad. In Act 1?
A.  Antonio
B.   Bassanio
C.   Gratiano
D.  Portia
 Ans. A
Ques 51. Antonio's treatment of Shylock is __________ by today's standards.
A.  rational
B.   anti-Semitic
C.   economical
D.  compassionate
Ans. B
Ques 52. Shylock Famous speech ““Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? Fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is?” appears in
A.    Act 1 scene 2
B.    Act 2 Scene 2
C.    Act 3 Scene 1
D.   Act 4 Scene 2
Ans. C   Shylock says speech to Salarino.
Ques 53. Where appear the famous speech “ The quality of mercy is not strained”by Portia in play “The Merchant of Venice”?
A.    Act 1 scene 2
B.    Act 2 Scene 2
C.    Act 3 Scene 1
D.   Act 4 Scene 1
Ans. D   Portia says to Shylock

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